Standard II: Strategic Planning and Sustainability
The GCCA maintains and communicates a purpose and direction that fully utilizes flexibility to support a commitment to high expectations for learning as well as shared values and beliefs about teaching and learning.
JCCCA Organizational Goals
MGEA Industry Spotlight
(Middle Georgia)
MGEA Occupational Snapshot
(Middle Georgia)
WBL/YAP Employer Sites and Career Path Alignment
MGEA Industry Spotlight
(Jones County)
MGEA Occupational Snapshot
(Jones County)
Applicable Personnel Policies
Special Events and Marketing Media
State Developed Performance Levels
JCCCA Organizational Goals
State Developed Performance Levels
JCBOE Minutes: SDPL Report
JCCCA Organizational Goals
JCBOE Minutes: Academic/
Organizational Goal Performance
CTI Students BOE Presentation
JCCCA Governance Board Minutes: SDPL Report
JCCCA Governance Board Minutes: Academic/
Organizational Goal Performance
Engineering Students CCA/BOE Presentation
Army JROTC First Promotion at JCBOE Meeting
Career Fair Employer Survey
Original JCCCA Parent Survey
Senior Retreat Presenter and Teacher Survey
Original JCCCA Student Survey
JCCCA Program Offerings Student Survey
BOE Agendas Featuring CCA Updates
BOE Minutes Featuring CCA Updates
Groundbreaking with both Boards
Special Events and Marketing Media
Not Applicable
Special Events and Marketing Media
Community Meeting Room: Hosting Biscuits and Business for Chamber
BASF Presents Chemistry in Kaolin to Science Classes
Dual Enrollment Parent Night
Tax Assessor as guest speaker to government classes.
Community Meeting Room: Hosting Jones County Development Authority
Community Meeting Room: Hosting Legislative Update with Chamber
Sponsor "Thank You" Letter and Annual Donation Request
Community Meeting Room: Hosting Census Committee